Jamie Ober Is AIA Pennsylvania’s President-Elect
The AIA Pennsylvania 2024 President-elect - right here in our office! We are proud of the service Jamie Ober provides to everyone in the architecture field in Pennsylvania.
The AIA Pennsylvania 2024 President-elect - right here in our office! We are proud of the service Jamie Ober provides to everyone in the architecture field in Pennsylvania.
Kendal Crosslands Communities has announced that it will break ground on the newly reimagined Kendal at Longwood Health Center next week, calling the event "the glorious beginning of a transformative initiative that will [...]
What does "sustainability" mean to you? ...an ongoing topic in our office.
Please join us in Chicago for the Leading Age 2023 Conference. We will be at Booth #1033.
It is great to have the firm's commitment to sustainability deepened with Jamie Ober's experience at Greenbuild 2023.
‘Saturate with Love Strategy’ was the theme set forth by State Senator Art Haywood, as he presented Grace Presbyterian Church in Jenkintown a Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program (RACP) grant award check. Our own [...]
LRAI recently attended the grand opening of the Event Cottage at Moravian Village of Bethlehem. Thanks to Dan Soos, Brad Senik, and the resident-driven design committee, for envisioning the project; to George T. [...]
Deborah Seitz has been honing our senior living research of the Green House model at the conference for the Center for Innovation: The Green House Project and Pioneer Network this week. Deborah is [...]
Lenhardt Rodger's architectural designer Mehrzad Mashouf has been selected for the 2023 Women in Architecture scholarship, to attend The American Institute of Architects (AIA) Women's Leadership Summit in Boston. The summit focuses on [...]
LRAI had a fabulous evening at the Bryn Athyn Cathedral with our own Kent Cooper, head tour guide. We highly recommend it. The history of the design and execution is surprising. [...]